Paul Ricoeur and Philosophical Anthropology
Philosophical Anthropology: Freedom and Nature, 1950; Fallible Man, 1960; Symbolism of Evil Paul Ricoeur explored his philosophical anthropology in Freedom and Nature (1950), Fallible Man (1960), and Symbolism of Evil (1960). The design of this essay is to think along with him on these matters. I will include some reflections based upon my reading of Pannenberg, Systematic Theology, Chapter 8, Anthropology from a Theological Perspective, and Moltmann, God in Creation, which overlap with the concerns of philosophical anthropology. The experimental aspect of this essay is to see if philosophical anthropology has something to learn from the notions of human fallibility, evil, sin, and guilt, that we find in religious texts. It may well be that religious texts, properly meditated upon, can provide the philosophers with insights into humanity ...