
Showing posts from February, 2024

Process Philosophy

                 The importance of a process-oriented philosophy patterned after Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) is its thorough grounding in science combined with its metaphysical dimension that makes it like the systems of Leibniz and Hegel.   Events are the basic components of nature and passage, or creative advance, is its most fundamental feature. Such views are like the anti-mechanistic philosophy of change we find in Henri Bergson. Charles Hartshorne would expand his influence in the United States. He also saw the definite character of events as due to the ingression of timeless entities, a Platonic notion. He understood religion as reaching its deepest level in the solitude of humanity as it forms the attitude of the individual toward the universe.  He called his metaphysics the philosophy of organism. The universe consists of becoming, each moment a process of appropriating and integrating the infinity of reality pr...

A modest critique of Karl Marx

What I propose to do here is to offer a moderate critique of Karl Marx. What I am exploring here is in the context that he raises a valid question regarding the human condition. [1]  Hannah Arendt is the inspiration for this approach to this topic, although I have been reflecting for decades upon the insights of Marx. I would view this essay as on the way toward an understanding of Marx that holds in tension what is valuable with what needs to be discarded. I want to begin with a brief reflection involving some of the insights Karl Marx had. Marx perceived the shift that took place in the rise of modernity. The philosophical tradition placed contemplation ahead of all human activities, for the wonder of the world human beings inhabit stimulated wonderment that led to the contemplation of truth, goodness, and beauty. As Arendt put it, Marx grasped that modernity placed emphasis upon labor, work, and action. Properly understood, labor, the biological life of man as an animal, work, w...