Chapter 15
Eschatology is the study of “last things.” Popular literature on this theme is from the standpoint of some form of dispensationalism. One will focus upon Daniel, the Book of Revelation, and the letters to the Thessalonians. It will focus on events leading up to the end, especially the revelation of the Beast, 666, the millennial reign of Christ on earth, the New Jerusalem, the great white throne judgment, and the consummation of all things. In popular eschatology, an important sign of the end is the gathering of Israel and a final battle between good and evil at the battle of Armageddon. Other signs include false prophets and “the Lawless One (II Thessalonians 2:8). Such matters are also important for Muslims, although reversing the judgment envisioned in Revelation. To put it directly, if your schooling in such matters is The Late Great Planet Earth and Left Behind, Pannenberg will disappoint. For those looking for unorthodox belief in Pannenberg, he will offer some good rea...